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Nikon is leased All ‘Nikon School’ Online Classes stream for Free this April 2020 Month

Nikon Online School
In an effort to assist their customers to be dwelled “inspired, engaged, and growing” during the worldwide coronavirus lockdowns currently in place, Nikon USA has made its entire Nikon School Online curriculum free for the month of April.

“Nikon’s mission has always been to empower creators. In these uncertain times, we can do that by helping creators stay inspired, engaged and growing,” reads the streaming page, where you’ll find a total of ten free online courses. “That’s why we’re providing all of our courses free for the entire month of April. Let’s come out of this even better.”

The ten classes—which range in length from 15 minutes to over an hour—are all taught by professional photographers, many of them Nikon Ambassadors, and would usually cost between $15 and $50. Some are gear specific, some are genre-specific, and others cover the fundamentals of the photographer, but no matter your skill level, you should find something of interest here:

Creator’s Mindset: Creating Video Content with Z 50 with Kitty Peters
Photographing Children and Pets with Tamara Lackey
Getting Started with Your Nikon DSLR
Hands-on with SB-5000 Speedlight with Joe McNally
Fundamentals of Photography with Reed Hoffmann
Environmental Portraiture with Joey Terrill
The Art of Making Music Videos with Chris Hershman
Beyond the Fundamentals of Photography with Reed Hoffman
Discovering Macro Photography with Joey Terrill
Exploring Dynamic Landscape Photography with Taylor Glenn

To learn more about this offer or take advantage of about $250 worth of free photography education for yourself, head over to the Nikon Events website.